The beloved chapter President, Barry Bloom, held a fantastic and always informative Hemond-Delhi AZ SABR Chapter meeting today celebrating SABR Day!
Jacob Pomrenke, SABR’s Director of Editorial Content, made a riveting presentation on his latest Black Sox Scandal findings and how one hundred years later we are seeing striking similarities, and author Jim Odenkirk gave his much enjoyed reflections on the Cleveland Indians.
APBPA’s Board Member Kameron Loe of Haloe Health discussed the latest updates on the healing AI guided microcurrent technology he provides to former Pro Ballplayers and the Baseball Family through the APBPA and to anyone who needs it. He and his team can be reached at (480) 219-5266.
PK Kelleher of AZ World of Baseball and the APBPA’s Director of Youth Services also joined us.
Thank you to everyone who took part! It was wonderful to see you all! The APBPA highly endorses and recommends the Hemond-Delhi AZ SABR Chapter!