Please join the APBPA and Barry Bloom at the Hemond-Delhi AZ SABR Chapter meeting tomorrow Saturday, February 1 in the usual Eagles Buffet spot at Casino Arizona on McKellips Rd. and 92nd St. from 11 am to 2 pm.
This will be a belated-by-a-week SABR Day celebration. We will be having Jacob Pomrenke make a presentation about his latest exciting Black Sox Scandal findings, and Jim Odenkirk is on the docket for some personal reflections about his life-long obsession with the Cleveland Indians.
Former MLB pitcher Kameron Loe ( will be making a guest appearance!
We’ll also have a brief discussion about the future of the chapter and a possible election of new officers.
Cost is $15.95 plus tip for the buffet and $10 to help your chapter pay for the room rental.
The meeting is open to non-SABR members, who are always welcome. Hope to see you there!