We want to sincerely thank all of you who have recently helped to spread the word about the APBPA and all of our new programs and upcoming events to help assist current and former Pro Ballplayers on every level we can!
It is working to bring back all of the former Pro Ballplayers who stopped being a part of the APBPA when they left the Clubhouses or who we lost contact with somehow over the years. We have 6 full filing cabinets of you guys that we want to bring back on board so you are once again connected to the APBPA’s full network of valuable resources and benefits.
The APBPA is working to actively reunite the Baseball Brotherhood and Baseball Family. Please mark your calendar‘s for our Arizona event, September 7th and our Southern California event at Angel Stadium in the Diamond Club, November 9th! They are guaranteed to be magical, unforgettable dinners!!
If you have not already, please renew your memberships at APBPA.org for 2019 so you can have access to all of the exciting new Member benefits! You will also have access to your instant virtual Membership card.
We thank you for your patience with our getting all of our plastic card printing outsourced and drop shipped, and all orders are now on their way. We have had extremely high numbers of orders for the Season and appreciate your patience while we revolutionized and automated our infrastructure.
Everyone is welcome to be a part of the APBPA! If you did not play or participate in professional baseball you are always welcome to become an Honorary Member to help support this essential and valuable mission.
A ton more benefits are coming imminently in the next 2 weeks including several monetization opportunities for APBPA Members. It is amazing how many are stepping forward to help the Brotherhood and Baseball family in their own ways. Together we are a powerful and unstoppable force for good!