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Membership Information

You have selected the APBPA Fan Club Membership membership level.

Thank you for joining APBPA Fan Club and supporting the Baseball Brotherhood.

Anyone who loves the game and would like to support our mission to help ball players may join APBPA Fan Club including Little Leaguers, College Athletes and the diehard fans!  While your Fan Club Membership DOES afford you the Big League Treatment to participate in our discount program with over 352,000 merchants nationwide including discounted airfare, lodging, car rentals, restaurants, etc. Fan Club Membership does not make you eligible for Assistance in any form or fashion.  Nor does your  Fan Club Membership provide you any rights or privileges afforded to our Regular and Honorary Members.

Annual membership connects our pro ball player members and professional coaches to help mentor and advise the youth. We are ensuring EVERY child who wants to play baseball can have access to equipment and professional coaches. Membership includes all of our APBPA benefits excluding financial assistance. Youth membership also guarantees admission into our private FB group at where the youth are welcomed to post their playing videos and have a think tank of coaches cordially brainstorming on what they see in the players to help with player advancement. It also includes admission to our prestigious, exclusive, and historical members only events.

The price for membership is $100.00 per Year.

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